PT Test


PT TestISU Army ROTC (Cyclone Battalion) and ISU MS150 Physical Fitness Class conducted PT Test on 30 Aug 2011atLied Rec IOT measure the physical fitness of the MSI’s, MSII’s, and civilians enrolled is MS150

The APFT was taken by the MSIs, MSIIs, and the MS150 class was given a chance to assess their current physical fitness level. The test was graded by the MSIIIs and MSIVs who were validated during the previous week to ensure the APFT was graded to standard. Last week’s test will also allow MSIVsto identify which MSIIIsneed extra attention IOT achieve the Cyclone BN goal of a 290 average. The APFT participants now understand what they have to do in order to improve throughout the semester, while the MSIIIs and IVs identified what cadets and students require extra attention.

MSI’s, MSII’s, and MS150’s took the APFT to measure their physical fitness. By taking the APFT we were able to give the cadets and 150ers a better idea of their level of fitness. Based on the results, we were able to establish more accurate Ability Run Groups, giving each student a challenging workout. The results of the APFT will tell each student what they need to work on to increase their individual scores and overall fitness level. We will enable the students to achieve their goals through our intense PT.