Squad STX


ISU Army ROTC (Cyclone Battalion) Conducts Leadership Lab 09NOV2011
MSIII cadets gain leadership experience by leading MSI’s and II’s while leading their squad through STX Lanes

Key Tasks:
Troop Leading Procedures
Time Management
Execute the Mission

Endstate: MSIII’s prepare for success at LDAC 2012 by leading I’s and II’s

: ISU Army ROTC cadets conducted STX lanes in Pammel Woods on 09NOV2011 IOT prepare for LDAC 2012. Each squad leader had 45 minutes from the time they began to receive their OPORD from the TAC until execution. During this time they were to conduct their Troop Leading Procedures.  After crossing the LD squad leaders led their squads and executed the mission. Each lane required the squad leaders to lead their squads and react under pressure .