Operation Cyclone Strong 2013

CATEGORIES: Events, News


Incoming Freshman receive their training gear, conduct the APFT, classes, practice leadership development at the FLRC Course, conduct a battalion run, and have time to meet each other at the picnic from 22AUG13 to 24AUG13 VIC Armory and Camp Dodge to prepare the incoming freshman on the basic expectations of Cyclone Battalion and provide a time for their questions to be answered

Receive gear and conduct APFT as well as basic instruction 22AUG13
Travel to Camp dodge for FLRC, ORB, and Confidence course training 23AUG13
Conduct battalion run and Family picnic on 24AUG13

Freshman cadets are properly introduced and prepared to train to the Cyclone Battalion standard

Operation Cyclone Strong was a success on numerous levels; introducing the freshman to the chain of command, getting them properly acclimated to the training environment and BN expectations and more importantly, senior cadets planned their first major training event. MS4s conducted coordination and rehearsals, and developed the CONOPs for all phases of the operation. MSIIIs stepped into their leadership roles from CO to Squad Leader, executing training for incoming Freshmen and serving as SLs during FLRC and BN RUN.

Incoming freshman cadets participated in Operation Cyclone Strong, which is an orientation to show them the Cyclone Battalion expectation, and to give them the necessary preparation for their first year in the program. On the first day (22AUG), the cadets took the APFT, were issued their training gear, and were given classes on Uniform standards, Customs and courtesies, and the cadet ranking system. On the Second day (23AUG), the cadets traveled to Camp Dodge where they participated in FLRC Lanes, the Confidence course, and were given a class on one rope bridges and how to tie Swiss seats. On the third day (24AUG), Cadets participated in a Battalion run around campus, ending at Jack Trice stadium where they received a briefing from the PMS, LTC Smith, on expectations for the upcoming year. After the run, there was a picnic giving the families of the cadets an opportunity to meet the instructors and other cadets already in the program.