ISU Leadership Lab: FLRC Lanes


ISU Army ROTC (Alpha Company, Cyclone Battalion) conducts FLRC Lanes at Leadership Lab on 07MAR12. MSIII cadets gain leadership experience by leading MS I’s and II’s in Situational Training Exercises.

Key Tasks:
Receipt and issue of squad OPORD
Conduct planning and rehearsals
Conduct mission
Proper reporting

MS III’s gain leadership experience and MS I’s and II’s gain knowledge on FLRC Lanes

During the FLRC Lane Leadership Lab, MS IIIs gain a better understanding of the Troop Leading Procedures while being forced to develop creative solutions to successfully complete each obstacle. These lanes also give the MS I and MS II cadets the opportunity to put into practice the military skills they have learned throughout the year. Through these lanes, cadets learn to adapt to unforeseen challenges. This is important because it prepares cadets to think adaptively in order to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing battlefield

ISU Army ROTC cadets gained experience in leading and executing FLRC Lanes. In These lanes, cadets are presented with an obstacle to negotiate that has no clear solution. Squad leaders receive an OPORD which they then issued it to their squads. Squad leaders then conduct rehearsals and execute their assigned mission. Upon completion of the FLRC lab, cadets not only gain training in adaptive thinking to overcome challenges, but MSIIIs also prepare for summer training at “Warrior Forge”.